Hello everyone!
I'm Laura Benington, the writer, producer, musician, and singer who created this site and I'd like to extend to you a very warm and sincere welcome to Fresh Fire 723, and you are indeed welcome here. I'd like to start off by giving you a little introduction to the site. Fresh Fire 723 is not the name of a band nor a musical moniker, but rather a place where I hope you'll encounter the presence of the Lord. Think of it as an address to a home, business, or a church. A place you go to with a specific purpose in mind and in this case that purpose would be praising and worshiping our Father God and His Son, Jesus as well as hearing the messages written within the songs.
These songs were written with inspiration from the word of God. Some of them came to me in dreams and others at quiet or seemingly ordinary moments but they are gifts given to me by the Lord which I'm very grateful for and do not take lightly.
These songs have been a great source of encouragement to me at various times reminding me of the purposes and plans and promises that the Lord has for me as well as for all those who belong to Him.
I hope you'll find that encouragement here for yourself as well as grow in the knowledge of God's amazing, overwhelming love for you in that He sent His Son, Jesus, to pay an awesome price by giving His life on the cross, the Spirit of God raising Him from the dead to rescue you, forgive, heal and give you hope and a future in Him and restore us to right relationship with the Father.
Never give up...
The Victory's Already Yours, Just Keep Walking Forward.
Laura Benington - Fresh Fire 723
Listen for free! Come visit us at: freshfire723.wixsite.com/freshfire723